Listers Appoint a New Director
Lister Trade Frames in Stoke on Trent have just appointed Derrith Turner as Director of Human Resources.
Derrith originally started work for Listers as a receptionist in 2000. However, she quickly showed an interest in staffing issues and training. This was back at a time when Listers were trying to more fully involve their employees in their business goals and developments, so Derrith was asked to take part in that project.
Derrith quickly showed a talent in this area of the business, making some marked improvements. She worked hard to gain the company accreditation by Investors in People in record time. Derrith was appointed as HR Manager at Listers in 2003.
The subsequent years saw Listers support Derrith to gain several key qualifications in the area of Human Resources and Health and Safety management. Derrith is now a fully qualified Employment Law Specialist (MCIPD), Health & Safety Professional (NEBOSH) and runs the external Elitis HR Consultancy for the business.
Listers Managing Director, Mark Warren, says that Derrith “has worked extremely hard on behalf of the company for many years now and has had a direct impact on how we run our business. Her recent appointment as Director of Human Resources is well deserved and comes as recognition by the Director Team of the importance of her responsibilities.”
Mark points out that it is the People in the Company who are the main reason for Listers continuing success. “We put a lot of effort into making our staff as much a part of the business as we can and we also try very hard to make the work environment as enjoyable as possible. Happy and involved staff produce happy customers.” This is a lot easier said than done and Derrith’s talents in this area have been vital to its success.