Local Community Bowled over by Listers.

Posted by Listers on 24/03/2015

There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a project come to fruition. Especially when that project changes the lives of so many people. Lister Trade Frames of Stoke on Trent along with other local businesses, joined forces to assist a group of keen Crown Green Bowlers convert their dilapidated clubhouse into a functional building. Middleport…

Listers Partner the Realise Foundation

Posted by Listers on 04/02/2014

There comes a point in everyone’s life when we’ve appreciated a bit of a leg-up. And it’s especially pleasing when we can do the same for others helping them change their lives for the better. This is an ethos that Lister Trade Frames of Stoke on Trent have long since adhered to and that is…

Minions takeover at Listers… all for Dougie Mac

Posted by Listers on 18/10/2013

Lister Trade Frames of Stoke on Trent have a long standing tradition for quality products and excellent customer service. With over 38 years of trading history, they have clearly taken business seriously to sustain such high levels of professionalism. So why on earth, for an entire week, did Listers allow Minions (For those of you…

Listers investment in youth pays off.

Posted by Listers on 19/08/2013

For young people nowadays, finding employment is a daunting and unenviable task. As we all know, jobs are a rare commodity and the playing field is filled with many fighting for the same position. Thankfully there are alternative routes to gaining employment and one that Lister Trade Frames of Stoke on Trent support is Apprenticeship…

Listers Key to Fundraising

Posted by Listers on 21/01/2013

There are some people who are just born to do charity work. It’s part of their DNA and they do it without searching for the plaudits and the accolades. Lister Trade Frames of Stoke on Trent have their very own fund raising guru in trade counter assistant, Dave Key. During last year’s Children in Need…

Listers Customer Support is a Hole in One

Posted by Listers on 31/08/2012

A little bit of co-operation can go a long way. In economically challenging times, local businesses’ working together really helps to boost the coffers and create a local network of like minded companies. This was the mindset when three local business stalwarts of Staffordshire ventured into a project that would benefit all those involved. Stone…

MP Visits Listers to see Green Credentials

Posted by Listers on 28/08/2012

Going green, environmental awareness and eco-friendly are words that have become part of our daily lexicon. Nearly every industry operates initiatives designed to help protect the planet and the future of our children. The Glazing Industry has its own environmental challenges and Lister Trade Frames of Stoke on Trent have made some remarkable and innovative…

Listers Support local business

Posted by Listers on 05/07/2012

It’s a sad indictment of the current state of affairs and the global economy that many businesses operate in a blinkered fashion when it comes to supporting their local community. So focused are we on maintaining profits, increasing business and general survival, many of us have ignored the opportunities on our very doorstep. Lister Trade…

Smells like Team Spirit.

Posted by Listers on 27/04/2012

The success of any business is built on a solid infrastructure and a workforce that are dedicated to the cause. When the economic climate is so volatile, having the support of your staff is vital to maintaining a viable business. Lister Trade Frames are a Stoke on Trent based award winning company with a history…