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Listers BDM’s Now Armed with ‘quota’

Armed with new quotasListers have been making substantial leaps forward in customer service over the last twelve months. Their customers already benefit from SMS quote messaging, online technical information plus quote and order tracking, and they have the option of downloading and printing all their own CAD drawings and confirmations from their own computers at home.

Now Listers have taken another great step and giving their customers even more power to their elbow!

Listers team of Business Development Managers are now offering customers the ability to have their very own quotation program so that they can produce accurate prices when and where they want to, even in the customer’s home, helping to close the deal on the night.

The new Elitis “quota” program for windows and doors enables the rapid selection of most styles and finishes, presented as stunning full colour pictorial quotations and survey reports, on screen and as printouts.

Listers BDM team are highly pleased with the new tool, as are their customers. “This is a great step forward for our customers” Says BDM, Dave Gray, “Now quoting on Elitis frames is a simple DIY job for them. They can have quotes anytime they need them and without the need of referring to a price list, or waiting for emails or faxes. They think it’s great.”

The highly intuitive program provides customers with all they need to design and select windows and doors complete with feature leads, bevels and door panels without reference to multiple catalogues. And now that Listers have a real-time online support service any queries can be sorted there and then.

“This new Elitis Quota program is a real advantage when we are searching for new customers” Says BDM Dene Rylands, “Professional Trade Customers want a lot more than just great windows at a great price. They want branded products, customised marketing, website support, on-line order tracking. We have all that and now with the new Quota program we can offer everything they need.”

Once again Listers have demonstrated their commitment to pushing their business forward by helping their customers to have an easier, and more profitable life. And by supporting their sales team with ever new reasons to buy from them.

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